Whether it is for company procurement or personal needs, office chairs are definitely an item that modern people must use. Come and see what selection tips professional doctors have to make you buy better and more cleverly!
- TriviaOccupational Medicine
【Risk Assessment and Control】|Reflections on the Taiwan Railway Taroko Express accident
by MyDocSay.com627 views[Risk Assessment and Control] It sounds unfamiliar, but it is actually a topic that we face every day. On April 2, 2021, the most serious casualty accident occurred on the Taroko Railway in history, except for the pain. , We should think deeply about how to prevent it from happening again.
- TriviaNutritionEnvironmental medicineCancer preventionOccupational Medicine
Wanna strengthen your bones by sunshine, but feel afraid of skin cancer at the same time? Here's the information you should know!
by MyDocSay.com5510 viewsAre you afraid of skin cancer when you are in the sun, and you are afraid of osteoporosis if you don’t. Do you feel contradictory about this and don't know what to do? Come and understand with the doctor's ideas!
- TriviaEnvironmental medicineBrainstormingOccupational MedicineOn-site service
It's so hot! Just looking at the temperature is not enough!
by MyDocSay.com1303 viewsIn Taiwan’s summer, "hot" is definitely a common memory for everyone. Some people need to sweat and work under the hot sun, or perhaps outdoor activities in their leisure time. How can they protect themselves from heat injury?
- TriviaNutritionCancer preventionOccupational MedicineFood safety
Can mineral oil cause cancer?
by MyDocSay.com757 viewsIs mineral oil a carcinogen? Is mineral oil added to newly bought skin care products, should I throw it away? You will know what to do after reading this article!
- TriviaOccupational MedicineOn-site service
Occupational injury? Occupational disease? What's the difference?
by MyDocSay.com660 viewsWith the increase in labor awareness, everyone has gradually realized that each occupation has more or less health risks, which may lead to occupational-related diseases; but in fact, doctors will divide them into "occupational injuries" and "occupational diseases" and discuss them separately. What is the difference? After following the article, it will definitely save you a lot of unnecessary time and doubts!
On-site service? Is this a new industry? In fact, this new business will greatly change the future of you and me. Come and get to know it!
- TriviaEnvironmental medicineBrainstormingCancer preventionOccupational Medicine
Don't Know - Human Carcinogens Update 2022
by MyDocSay.com585 viewsIn 2022, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the United States updated 8 human carcinogens, come and see those!
"Occupational medicine? Never heard of it." I believe most people's first opinion is this, but do you know that this specialty will greatly improve your future?
- TriviaEnvironmental medicineWorkplace EverythingOccupational Medicine
Always have Sore Eyes? Here are three indoor design defects that you should know!
by MyDocSay.com589 viewsDoes long-term use of eyes cause dry eyes? But have you ever thought that there are actually other factors that greatly affect your eye problems? Hurry up and take stock of your own work environment design with the doctor, and save your own eyes!
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