Dr. William's Life Strategy for Epidemic Prevention: At Home

by MyDocSay.com

This article thanks Dr. William Ye Tingyu and the filming team for their contributions and agreed to write the article for promotion!

(【Video Facebook page link】, please don’t hesitate to like it! )

After working out for a day, it is possible to come into contact with aerosols carrying COVID-19 at any time, and the place where you are most likely to have a high concentration of virus isdirect contactPlaces where the public frequently touches touch points, such as:elbow,finger.

As for the suspended particulates carried in the air, even with COVID-19, they usually gradually settle down from the height of the nose and mouth. Therefore,The outermost coat is most likely to accumulate viral load, In addition, suspended particles that sink to the ground will be contaminated toSole.

Therefore, I suggest you follow Dr. William's home epidemic prevention steps in the video to perform a complete cleaning to prevent COVID-19 from entering your and my homes:

Excerpted from "Dr. William's Life Anti-epidemic Strategy: At Home"

COVID-19 home epidemic prevention

1. Alcohol disinfects the touched area

2. Hang the coat on a high place

3. Distinguish between clean and dirty areas

4. Wash hands (and body) surely


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