Do I need sun protection indoors? What is the best way to protect yourself from the sun in your daily life?


In an environment with strong outdoor sunlight, the public has relatively understood the importance of sun protection. However, in recent years, there have been different opinions on whether sun protection should also be used in indoor environments. Therefore, the author would like to try to analyze the multi-faceted aspects of human health. to provide insights into this issue.

First, refer to the speakers from The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) in 2021this article, several key points are summarized below:

1. A large number of studies have shown that long-term exposure to high-intensity ultraviolet rays from the sun may cause skin cancer and skin aging (such as wrinkles, pigmentation).
2. In addition to ultraviolet rays, visible light also accounts for about 50% of the intensity of sunlight reaching the surface. Visible light of this intensity can also induce skin pigmentation, especially for people of color, liver spots or acne skin pigmentation. The people are particularly obvious.
3. The way visible light catalyzes skin pigmentation may be different from the way ultraviolet rays catalyze it, because researchers found that even if sunscreen that blocks ultraviolet rays is applied to the skin, subjects will still produce pigmentation. In other words, unless you can find a sunscreen product that can also block visible light, the most effective way to protect yourself from the sun is still purely physical sunscreen (such as seeking shade, covering with clothes and hats).
4. Compared with outdoor visible light, the intensity of indoor visible light can be said to be very small. Its intensity is only about 1/1000 of the intensity of outdoor visible light. And such intensity of visible light, even if exposed 5 days a week and 8 hours a day, Basically, it won’t have a negative impact on the skin..

It can be seen from the above that indoor visible light has almost no negative impact on the skin, but applying skin products may increase the possibility of pore obstruction/inflammation, and the products may also contain potential allergenic ingredients. Therefore,Regarding indoor sun protection, I basically think it is unnecessary and not recommended..

So how would you recommend everyone to use sun protection in life? The author believes that this requires consideration of multiple aspects. First of all, proper exposure to the sun is the most important way to promote the production of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is an important nutrient for maintaining good health. Therefore, not being in the sun at all is not the best way for health; however, excessive exposure to solar radiation can Will increase the risk of skin cancer and accelerated skin aging (but the risk is different for different races, seethis article), so the author suggests that different suggestions should be made for sunlight under different intensity conditions (the following are basic suggestions for yellow people, but the actual situation will still vary depending on the exposed body surface area, season, region, health factors, etc.) :

1. IfIf the sun is still slanting in the morning or afternoon, it is recommended to expose it appropriately for about 1 hour., to facilitate the production of vitamin D in the body,If you will be in the sun for more than 1 hour, it is recommended to apply appropriate sun protection afterwards.(e.g., wearing clothing and sunscreen) to reduce additional skin damage.
2. IfAround noon, when the sunlight is close to direct, it is recommended to avoid exposure., if you need to stay outdoors, you should directly use appropriate sun protection methods (such as covering your clothes and hats with sun protection products).
3. The intensity of sunlight will vary in different seasons or in different regions. Overall, proper exposure to sunlight meansTake the principle of not getting sunburned.

〈The author is former Attending Physician in National Taiwan University Hospital, and Master of Science from National Taiwan University〉

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