Getting started with weight loss – [2]


Give yourself a "reasonable" weight loss goal

According to statistics, the initial weight loss goal should be set at 5~7%. It is more reasonable to lose weight. The final goal is to reduce the BMI to a reasonable range. The following is to clarify the concept of weight loss goals:

1. For people who want to lose weight, the first step should be to try not to gain weight instead of expecting weight loss immediately.
2. Set a reasonable weight loss goal: 5~7% (the average of the research statistics is even only 4%), and continue to maintain this weight loss, but also understand that this is already a good result.
3. If the weight loss program is successful, it can often achieve a weight loss of more than 5%.
4. The ultimate goal is to reduce BMI to between 20 and 25, so that people can belong to the group with low risk factors.

<From Uptodate>

◆ Speed of weight loss

Generally speaking, in the same weight loss plan, boys of the same height and weight can lose more weight than girls, because boys have more muscle tissue, less fat, and higher energy metabolism. If comparing from age, the energy metabolism of young people is more than that of the elderly. According to statistics, about every ten years of age increase will reduce the energy metabolism of 2%.

On average, an adult needs about 22kcal/day to maintain a kilogram of weight, which can be used to roughly estimate his own daily basic energy expenditure. For example: a 50kg person has a daily basic metabolic rate of about 22 x 50 = 1100kcal/day; but now The Internet is developed, and a more accurate basal metabolic rate can be calculated after entering basic personal information on the basal metabolic rate computer on the Internet. The following is the WHO estimation formula for body energy expenditure:

<From Uptodate>

becauseFor every kilogram of weight loss, about 7700kcal of calories need to be reduced, If you reduce your caloric intake by about 500kcal a day, you can lose about 0.5 kg of body weight in a week; however,After about three to six months, the body’s energy metabolism will begin to adapt to the new body state, reducing the basal energy metabolism, The weight loss effect of the same diet plan will become worse. At this time, you must make adjustments to your diet plan again!

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