戰勝血脂肪 – 降低壞膽固醇 LDL (下)

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本篇是接續上一篇文章【戰勝血脂肪 – 降低壞膽固醇 LDL (上)】的進階版!想要給大家一些關於選擇食物上的建議,內容會盡量精簡讓大家易於閱讀,以下分別將一些比較具有代表性的研究結果羅列出來:

長期攝取低脂飲食,相較於高脂飲食或是控制組,皆能使 LDL 較為降低。

《Association Between Lowering LDL-C and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Among Different Therapeutic Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.》 JAMA. 2016

全穀類飲食,能分別顯著降低 LDL 及 T-CHOL 0.09 mmol/L 及 0.12 mmol/L。

《Whole-grain and blood lipid changes in apparently healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.》 Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2015

DASH飲食(The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension)不只能降低血壓、也同時能顯著降低 LDL 約 0.10 mmol/L。

《Effects of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis.》 Br. J. Nutr. 2015

每日攝取 >3 g 的燕麥beta葡聚醣(多醣體)至少2周,將分別顯著降低 LDL 及 T-CHOL 約 0.25 mmol/L 及 0.30 mmol/L。

《Cholesterol-lowering effects of oat β-glucan: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.》Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2014

每日攝取 >7 g 的大麥beta葡聚醣(多醣體)至少4周,將分別顯著降低 LDL 及 non-HDL-C(除了 HDL 以外的血脂肪指標們)約0.25 mmol/L 及 0.31 mmol/L。

《A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of the effect of barley β-glucan on LDL-C, non-HDL-C and apoB for cardiovascular disease risk reduction.》 Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016

每日攝取約 130 g 的乾燥豆類(Dietary pulses: 一般豆類、豌豆、鷹嘴豆、扁豆)將顯著降低 LDL 約 0.17 mmol/L。

《Effect of dietary pulse intake on established therapeutic lipid targets for cardiovascular risk reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.》 Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2014

每日攝取約 400 g 的花椰菜類就可達到降低 LDL 的趨勢,若攝取含有高 glucoraphanin(蘿蔔苷)的花椰菜類,將顯著降低 LDL 約 5~7%。

《Diet rich in high glucoraphanin broccoli reduces plasma LDL cholesterol: Evidence from randomised controlled trials.》 Mol Nutr Food Res. 2015

長期攝取含有低飽和脂肪的植物油,會使 LDL 降低約 0.09 mmol/L,相較之下,長期食用棕櫚油反而會輕微使 LDL 上升。

《Palm Oil Consumption Increases LDL Cholesterol Compared with Vegetable Oils Low in Saturated Fat in a Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials.》 J. Nutr. 2015


